Saturday 8 February 2014

CNY Day 3 & 4

Yeap, im here to update my blog yippie ^^ School is reopening in 1 more day omg. So scared T-T And the worst part is the results is coming out on Valentimes LOL. Damn I dont want to spend my night in front of the computer checking my results hahaha

Okay anyway back to topic,

Cny day 3 im still in Sitiawan =)

Selfie before going to relatives house =)
ignore my still wet hair lol

My ootd that day!
I am so in loved with my lace pants! Its so comfy, and it makes my legs so girlyy hahahah

Some angpaosssss
red packet ^^
 After that, I went swimming with my cousins ^^

Changed into a more casual, its my swimming suit inside haha

max love when my hair tie in a bun ^^

Day 4 I went back to KL. And went to Amy's house to visit her =)

Selfie again hahahah
damn frizzy hair omg

Steamboat lunch ^^

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