Thursday 20 February 2014

TARUC Life =)

Hello everybody! Im doing this post to help any of you out there who want to know about TARUC more in detail.. and to help you to decide better which college you want to further your studies =)

Yes, TARC college was upgraded to TARUC that stands for Tunku Abdul Rahman University College. Yippie, its a university college now ^^

This coming May 2014, it will be my first year in this university college ^^ Time flies uh? I can still remember days when I came to the open day, when I came to the orientation day, our first lecture class, first tutorial class..and so on.. haha

Last year before I choose which college to further my studies, I was in dilemma which college to choose! At first, I thought TARUC was a not so good college for some reason. Haha But until the day I studied here, I found out its really not that bad la. The fees is definitely much more affordable than other colleges out there. Thats one of my biggest reason to study here. Haha, and my second reason is, this college is so popular for its Accounting course!

And yes, im an accounting student. =) As I mention just now, TARUC is very popular for its accounting subject. Therefore, there will be a lot a lot a lot of Accounting student in the college. It might be the most course that students take in TARUC. I think my batch, it was like 1000+++ students for accounting students? Im not so sure about this.. ^^

Timetable is not going to be as awesome as you think what college life is. Haha I thought college life was very relaxing, only few days we need to go to college. But... NO. Especially for accounting students. Haha Because there are many many accounting students and they are also limited lecture halls and classes. So the time table can be quite messy sometimes. For example, I have 6 days of classes when I was in Sem 1. Even Saturday, I need to go back to college and attend tutorial class. Thats so wasting of time and petrol for students esspecially like me because Im staying quite far from college.

And the timetable for Sem 3, its quite sucks. Its a short sem, that means we need to rush everything in that short sem. We will have 2 lectures and 2 tutorials in one week rather than 1 lecture and 1 tutorial per week. What is so bad about the timetable is that, the tutorial class is arranged before the lecture class. So how we supposed to do the tutorial questions before the lecture ???

Anyway.. thats the bad part about the timetable, good things comes now. TARUC students are more group like I think? Our courserep will be printing out the notes for us every sem. I guess other college doesnt do so? This cooperation between students is very good ^^

And the facilities in TARUC are quite complete. We have a big swimming pool, 3 gyms, a lot of food choice...bla bla bla. Our campus is so damn big until the all the new students need to use a map in order to get to their destination! Haha I remember walking until my legs was so pain when I was in Sem 1. But now, I already get used to it! Hehee I believe our college is so much more bigger than other colleges out there. ^^ We really have a variety of food choice.. such as Pappa Rich, MarryBrown, Japanese food, Snowflakes, Each A Cup, Dimsums... Yummm.. and very very cheap Mixed rice =)

Alright, I cant write all in one post. Haha

Signing off,

bye xoxo :* 

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