Friday 30 September 2011

exam is coming yo!

yeah, exam is coming.
i have a new target. : number 2 in class.
its easy IF i study hard LOL.
not too late rite if I start from now? HEHEHEHEHE

arghhh! the third term exam,
i get number 3. GERAM-nya. the dfference between number 2 and I only 0.1% :'(
so ya, wont update blog till exam finish.!

stay tune for the next post!

before that,
my bebe (yomiko) teach me how to edit a photo.
wink wink*


p/s : im tired. dont wanna continue anymore :/

Saturday 24 September 2011




Wednesday 21 September 2011


im so down.
anyone cheer me up? i guess no one will bother bout me.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Curve (:

went to curve with mummie ;)
she wants to do hair treatment in Yunam. xD

so i accompany her (:
we reach there at 2pm+
outfit :}

 in yunam :O LOL!!!

after mummie's treatment, we went to search for food :D
found! Nyonya Colours. :)
btw, the food sucks LOL!!! in oneutama, its better :}
i order otak otak x2 . mummie order her yellow laksa :)
we two agree the food is not as tasty as the one in oneutama.
helo! in one utama, the seats are always FULL.
but in curve, its always NOT full LOL! btwww, the environment is nicer :}

me and my otak otak :D

agree what i said ?
the environment is good :} hehe!

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 ♥

daddy and mummie bought me samsung galaxy tab , HEHEHEHEHEHE,
thanks! its my bday present xD TEEHEE.
argghhh, sei lorh, addicted to it now HEHEHEHE.

i still cant stop HEHEHEHEHE~ing. LOL !!!
Daddy also bought Samsung Galaxy SII for himself :D !
we went to Digital Mall in Petaling Jaya to get it :)

thank you so much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

helo! im not trying to lanci, wookay. :)

view it :}

digital mall

peace! (Y)

hunch back LOL :X


16.6.2011 ♥♥♥

my family and I went to Eastin Hotel :) for?
early celebrating my birthday.LOL! uhm, my birthday is in October. i know u are wondering, HAR! so early celebrate? HAHAHAHA. :b

went there for buffet dinner :}
its a Japanese restaurant. the food is not bad. especially my lovely salmon xD! salmon :D !
u guys can try next time! xD
well, look at the photos :)) heheheheh!

cacat eyes :/
my new shoe xD!


this make me think of MR.DO HAHAHAHAHA ;D

this is super nice ! xD ♥

Wednesday 14 September 2011


well , i skip school today :b HEHEHEHEHEHE.
reason is , go school also didnt study. :X HEHEHEHEHEHE.

kay, so im super free today.
so i go perm my hair,
but u know what.. T________________T

fail plan AHHAHAHAHA. :X ! dun laugh la bon! xP

just now watch the hongkong drama,
nice! xD [ 潜行狙击] - [ Lives Of Omission ] :)
go watch go watch xD !

arghh, today so bored at home.
he went to trip :/ ! imy :(

need to really start studying from now.
final exam is coming in two more weeks time.
and exam is on for one month! can die edi - -
u think we SPM meh now? - - sien.

today is wei yee's bday :D
stay pretty! :D have a nice day :}

picture time <3 :}

i smurf u :) <3
bought a  new shoe from Viss (:

amy :} wearing my hello kitty shoe HEHEHE.

me with my saline :}

before sleeping. wow! wo de si ren yang :D

hii :} thanks joe yi for teaching :3

group photo of us! xD kiara babes + some saga babes + two tanjung LOLOL !!!

i think u dont understand what im trying to say HAHAHAH :b

ok, time for homework nao :}

byebye <3

p/s : i love her blog ! xD

Happy Belated Birthday Corry :)

helo! last sunday was my new friend , Corry's Bday :D
haha, why i call her corry? idk how to spell her english name HEHEHEHEH! wo dui bu qi ni! slap myself* ARGHHH , so pain :( LOLOLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lazy to type. so , just open ur eyes and see! xD

ok bye LOL

Saturday 10 September 2011


hello :))

gonna introduce my bestie today :D since im free HAHAHAHA .

number one - Fanny Leong Ya Nee

hehehe , i know her since form one. we are in the same class for 4 years already :D
she is so kind xD and she is my very best friend. i think she is the first chinese friend i talk to when i was form 1 :D hope our friendship can last very very long :)
she always help me in my homework xD especially maths HAHA.
we always sit in the class ,
crap together ,
laugh together ,
get scold by teacher together xD
well , i love her :)

number two - Yomiko Loo Su Fia

i know her since im standard 5. :) 6 years friendship , i hope it wont end :D haha , she's a lenglui =D and crazy! xP this is the fourth year we same class :D haha , u know .. she is very funny.
u wont emo / sad when u be with her =D her joke , u can laugh until forever XD

enjoy the time we crap together HAHAHAHAHAH <3 i call her bebe , and she call me bebe also . but our pronounciation different xD
we have a same wish ; go to KL :D
we always hope to go KL for shooping HEHEHEHE. lets go bebe!

number three - Oh Ee Lynn

haha , i just know her this year :) we and ya nee and her always sit n crap together.
ee lynn is a hardwroking person! she always finish her homework before we did D:
she love her " P Ren" very much . LOL . but dun0 does "P Ren" love her too ? LOL !
haha , she is helpful too :)

and she have prefect skin T______T jealous LOL ! !

Number four - Stella Lim Jia Yi

lenglui :DD <3 haha , she damn pretty weih xD and very very very smart :D !! she always stay in the first place in class . haha , get 8A's in PMR. pro ? :DD ! haha admire her XD
haha, we know each other since form 1 :D she is the second chinese girl i talk with , i guess :D
same class 2 years le :) hope our friendship last very long XD !
she will teach u homework that u dont know how to do XD haha kind person :)
she lost her account project recently. sad for her :/ cheer babeh! :)

number five - Celina Chong Sook Yin

teehee , sook yin xD ! she is one of my bestie too :D i know her since form2 :D she was my monitor in form 2 :D she is super hardworking and clever HAHA. in science class now :) very very responsible HAHAHAHA. love her . i used to call her BUBU <3 :) she is pretty! go kao her now , HAHAHA
arghhh , she got so damn many 优点 hahaha.
love her now and always =))

love this photo  ALOTTTTTTTTTTTT .

there are my T-O-P  F-I-V-E bestie <33 :)