Saturday 17 September 2011

Curve (:

went to curve with mummie ;)
she wants to do hair treatment in Yunam. xD

so i accompany her (:
we reach there at 2pm+
outfit :}

 in yunam :O LOL!!!

after mummie's treatment, we went to search for food :D
found! Nyonya Colours. :)
btw, the food sucks LOL!!! in oneutama, its better :}
i order otak otak x2 . mummie order her yellow laksa :)
we two agree the food is not as tasty as the one in oneutama.
helo! in one utama, the seats are always FULL.
but in curve, its always NOT full LOL! btwww, the environment is nicer :}

me and my otak otak :D

agree what i said ?
the environment is good :} hehe!

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