Wednesday 14 September 2011


well , i skip school today :b HEHEHEHEHEHE.
reason is , go school also didnt study. :X HEHEHEHEHEHE.

kay, so im super free today.
so i go perm my hair,
but u know what.. T________________T

fail plan AHHAHAHAHA. :X ! dun laugh la bon! xP

just now watch the hongkong drama,
nice! xD [ 潜行狙击] - [ Lives Of Omission ] :)
go watch go watch xD !

arghh, today so bored at home.
he went to trip :/ ! imy :(

need to really start studying from now.
final exam is coming in two more weeks time.
and exam is on for one month! can die edi - -
u think we SPM meh now? - - sien.

today is wei yee's bday :D
stay pretty! :D have a nice day :}

picture time <3 :}

i smurf u :) <3
bought a  new shoe from Viss (:

amy :} wearing my hello kitty shoe HEHEHE.

me with my saline :}

before sleeping. wow! wo de si ren yang :D

hii :} thanks joe yi for teaching :3

group photo of us! xD kiara babes + some saga babes + two tanjung LOLOL !!!

i think u dont understand what im trying to say HAHAHAH :b

ok, time for homework nao :}

byebye <3

p/s : i love her blog ! xD

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