Sunday 4 September 2011

60 posts

helo! this is the 60's posts :D haha

ok , school starts tomorrow . can die already lor! D: FML
lucky i key in most of my account project already :D
homework , add maths and maths , half dead LOL

went to kepong village today :)
mummie wan to buy some sundries :D so i accompany her

feel lik gastric when i reach there ! pity me :( :( :( :( :( :( lololol , ignore*
so , went to SUBWAY to drink something HOT .
WARM , <3 ! but .....


soup of the day - chicken soup

its quite nice. just abit OILY ! D:

eeeeeeeee , i dun lik oily thingy LOL

then went inside tesco to buy things
saw this =D
soooo cute rite ? haha
*om nom nom* this ribens tastes good lah! HAHAHAHAHA siao

i was sshhhoooo bored until i camwhore in the supermarket HEHEHEHE . :P

uhm, ignore this stupid girl :b

bought a new pensil box for myself :)

last day of holiday , so i woke up nearly 1pm today .

oh my holiday .........................................................
i will miss u alot . please come back and visit often me ya .
i will always welcome u <3
love u baby :)

anddddddddddddddddd , will not often update my blog!
because no time :(

soo , miss ya :D


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