Saturday 10 September 2011


hello :))

gonna introduce my bestie today :D since im free HAHAHAHA .

number one - Fanny Leong Ya Nee

hehehe , i know her since form one. we are in the same class for 4 years already :D
she is so kind xD and she is my very best friend. i think she is the first chinese friend i talk to when i was form 1 :D hope our friendship can last very very long :)
she always help me in my homework xD especially maths HAHA.
we always sit in the class ,
crap together ,
laugh together ,
get scold by teacher together xD
well , i love her :)

number two - Yomiko Loo Su Fia

i know her since im standard 5. :) 6 years friendship , i hope it wont end :D haha , she's a lenglui =D and crazy! xP this is the fourth year we same class :D haha , u know .. she is very funny.
u wont emo / sad when u be with her =D her joke , u can laugh until forever XD

enjoy the time we crap together HAHAHAHAHAH <3 i call her bebe , and she call me bebe also . but our pronounciation different xD
we have a same wish ; go to KL :D
we always hope to go KL for shooping HEHEHEHE. lets go bebe!

number three - Oh Ee Lynn

haha , i just know her this year :) we and ya nee and her always sit n crap together.
ee lynn is a hardwroking person! she always finish her homework before we did D:
she love her " P Ren" very much . LOL . but dun0 does "P Ren" love her too ? LOL !
haha , she is helpful too :)

and she have prefect skin T______T jealous LOL ! !

Number four - Stella Lim Jia Yi

lenglui :DD <3 haha , she damn pretty weih xD and very very very smart :D !! she always stay in the first place in class . haha , get 8A's in PMR. pro ? :DD ! haha admire her XD
haha, we know each other since form 1 :D she is the second chinese girl i talk with , i guess :D
same class 2 years le :) hope our friendship last very long XD !
she will teach u homework that u dont know how to do XD haha kind person :)
she lost her account project recently. sad for her :/ cheer babeh! :)

number five - Celina Chong Sook Yin

teehee , sook yin xD ! she is one of my bestie too :D i know her since form2 :D she was my monitor in form 2 :D she is super hardworking and clever HAHA. in science class now :) very very responsible HAHAHAHA. love her . i used to call her BUBU <3 :) she is pretty! go kao her now , HAHAHA
arghhh , she got so damn many 优点 hahaha.
love her now and always =))

love this photo  ALOTTTTTTTTTTTT .

there are my T-O-P  F-I-V-E bestie <33 :)

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