Thursday 8 September 2011

What A Day :)

yellowww :) helo thursday! i hate chu :)

haha , why ? because u make me VERY VERY VERY VERY SUPER lack of time lol.

today ,

when pjk period , we doing our homework in class . so , plan to skip pjk period , dont go down the field . LOL.
and what happen ?

teacher came up and invite us down :/ !
lololol . 很大牌* HEHEHEHEHHE

u think he really so good ? u stupid!
he ask us to walk the field until he is satisfied OMG
so , about 15 of us :) walk to field for 11 rounds
LOL , sufia says : 很爽一下。呼吸新鲜空气 HAHAHAHAHA

look at our conversation :D

>> 最好不要叫我们停 反正这里很凉
>> 哈哈 我最喜欢被老师罚
>> 我最喜欢运动
>> 我的兴趣是被老师骂
>> 不错 可以减肥


HEHEHEHHE , well , see ya ! bye bye <3

stay tune :D

11 rounds :)

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